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22nd European Nephrogenesis Workshop

The 22nd European Nephrogenesis Workshop will be held on 14 June 2019 at the UCL – Institute of Child Health in London. Registration is...

A question of identity

The mammalian Pax genes are homologues of the Drosophila gene paired, and are a family of transcription factors harbouring a highly...

Modelling of kidney branching

An interesting manuscript on modelling of kidney branching just popped up on the  bioRXiv preprint server. Of course, not yet...

More NPC culture methods

Two new developments recently in the culture methods for NPCs. First of all, Tanigawa and colleagues continued on their previous work on...

A Wnt gradient visualized

Ever since the idea of Wnt molecules as a morphogen gradient emerged, the visualization of that gradient has remained elusive. Antibodies...

Kidney Development in 2015

There’s no doubt 2015 was a very good year for kidney development research. Many important developments,interesting papers and important...

Kidney Development Facebook Group

There is now also a Kidney Development Facebook Group. It’s a closed group so will need my confirmation. Just search for ‘Kidney...

A Kidney Development blog

Did you ever google ‘kidney development’? Lots of information on kidney development, but not a recent overview of the latest things in...

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